for a sustainable built environment
Among the world's quickest Digital Twinning Platform for the Built Environment
There are roughly 800 million buildings on this earth today serving an urban population of 3.9 billion. If that population is to double by 2050, we will need an- other 600 million buildings to be built in the next 32 years. This seemingly insurmountable task is beyond the capabilities of current technologies and methods, considering that it took us few hundreds of years to build the existing 800 million.
To achieve that target, we will have to re-imagine Planning, Design, Construction and Management of our built environment. New technologies will have to dramatically cut the "plan-design-build" cycle of new developments, while introducing new levels of sustainable designs and materials. In addition, these new technologies must be able to be applied onto the exist- ing cities to make them sustainable, while most of these buildings do not even have their original drawings.
The team at Urbanetic has nearly six years of research experience in developing web-based 3D digital tools for planning, design, simulation and analysis of urban spaces. We are ready to provide municipal governments, developers and planners software tools to translate their imagination into working, living reality.
The future will be increasingly connected and fast-paced, and development practices will have to keep up. At Urbanetic, we are building tools that combine design process, data modelling, analytics and visualisation to help cities find smarter and more sustainable solutions to the problems with the built environment.
Digital Twins of Cities
A digital twin is a virtual model of a city, a replica of the physical world. They are rapidly becoming indispensable tools to visualise the pulse of the city in real time with layered data sources of buildings, urban infrastructure, utilities, resources, businesses, people and vehicles.
By digitizing cities, we can identify service gaps and opportunities and provide the means that makes a city most livable, sustainable and resilient. Digitization of assets will also allow easy access to real estate investment and fundraising - with fractional ownership and asset tokenization.
Waste Generation
Safety & Security
Personal Fulfilment
Digital representations of real world assets - Buildings and infrastructure in interactive 3D
We create digital twins, or digital representations of the built environment, then infuse a variety of instrumented and non-instrumented data sets from disparate sources, in public and private domains. The result is an accurate, digital and up to date copy of your city, visualised on Fabric®.
Our flagship product Fabric® helps city administrations and industries analyse their environments to learn how things work and improve the way they make decisions. Fabric® is a simple, yet a powerful tool to enable city administrations plan and manage cities driven by data and services at scale and without the need of complex tools.
The infrastructure extension of Fabric®, InfraFab helps infrastructure and Managed Services Providers in the mobile telecommunication sector, in optimizing their asset count and asset performance through digitalisation of assets. The web services model enables businesses to quickly transition from one business model to another. For examples from integrated tower site management to independent tower site asset management.
From raw data to 6D parametric model in a matter of weeks
Drag and drop a new project in the 3D world and simulate performance
Current version of Urbanetic Fabric, comes with two core features: A city explorer with 3D visualisation and an analytics feature with 6D visualisation and performance dashboard. The explorer provides a visual understanding of the Urban Matrix, services and performance of the city. In analysis mode one can perform scenario simulations by changing the input variables and observe impact. 3D visualisation extends 3D visualisation to time, cost and performance.
The development analysis feature makes it easy to understand what one can build (or rebuild) on a piece of land by providing instant, three-dimensional visualisation of the development restrictions imposed by local zoning codes. At the same time, data related to development opportunities (market, regulatory, consumer, economic and environmental) are automatically proposed, and may be customized visually and interactively.
North Melbourne Preview
In the example, for the North Melbourne precinct, we aggregated data to provide users a three-dimensional visualisation of the maximum buildout permitted under Melbourne’s development code, the populate it with procedurally-generated building massing models. These new developments can be assessed within the existing environment, enabling investigation of their impact on infrastructure and services.
Local zoning codes restrict how a particular piece of land can be used, putting design restriction on the height of a building that can be constructed, how far the building must be set back from the property line, and whether the building may be used for residential, commercial and mixed use purposes. While zoning (and overlays) regulations are intended to guide future land development and promote sustainability and general welfare, they are notoriously complex. Making building construction more costly and time-consuming.
At the same time one is eager to understand the short and long term economic opportunities, data from surrounding neighborhood, districts and ecologies may provide.
Fabric takes these variables for constraints and opportunities and assists the user in planning the most optimal development. Describing and visualising the regulatory environment in this way makes it easy for planners, developers, and residents to understand and work within.
Meet your SDG goals and capitalize on your ESG assets
Building sustainable zero carbon infrastructure and built-environments
Built on the 'cloud', the digital twilling platform Fabric® ingests and organises spatial, geometric, geographic, temporal, instrumented, regulatory, weather, demographic and variety of other data in an unique unified data model of the whole built environment - allowing you to make informed decisions about your assets and the performance of the built environment as a whole, enabling scenario based planning models with “what-if” scenarios.
All of these, for better planning and management of buildings and infrastructure assets - making them green, smart,connect and with high performance.
Integration with Urbanetic's tokenization platform, TokenFab will allow the real-world digital models to be translated to and represented as ESG rated digital assets for financing and investments.